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2018-10-01 06:35:24

新浪教育讯 2016年12月17日全国大学英语六级考试已结束,本次考试为多题多卷,新浪外语第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,供考生参考,以下是2016年12月英语六级作文题目(有道考神版):


Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation/creation/invention。 Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation/creation/invention。 You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words。

范文1(@丁晓钟 版本 innovation)

In today‘s highly competitive world, innovation matters enormously to an organization or a country。 It is the driving force behind increased competitiveness。

Take growing a successful business as an example。 In this day and age, social media are gaining popularity among the general public。 A company that only relies on traditional media doing its marketing is more likely to get eliminated in the digital era。 Put in another way, a company with its focus on social media to boost its brand recognition stands a better chance of standing out from the crowd。 Clearly, innovation is a vital contributing factor to business success。

What can be done to encourage innovation? To name only a few: Above all, a business or a country should strive to build a corporate culture or a social climate that values innovation。 Second, anyone who participates in the innovation process should be rewarded。 Third, we are in urgent need of an education system that stresses innovation over mechanical learning。

Simply put, innovation is an important force that pushes our society forward。

范文2(王菲老师版本 creation)

Nowadays it is common to encounter a scene when people want to see things happen but can‘t make things happen for various reasons。 The most important reason is that they just refuse to create and innovate。 With the accelerated pace of our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation that is bound to make a difference in social productivity。

As far as I am concerned, we should all have the notion of being the participants of supporting creation。 First of all, creation is the most vital factor to improve the inner competitiveness of our nation。 For another, it is certain that creation is so essential that enables many people to find their positions in the company and careers in their lives。

Measures are also needed to encourage creation。 First and foremost, the government should establish certain rules to sweep up the obstacles of invention。 Some people have already complained much about complicated procedure of patent applications or high fees to do experiments of inventions。 Additionally, high schools and universities can provide students with scholarships or overseas learning opportunities, which will stimulate more youngsters to join the group of invention and innovation。

  实习编辑:程璐璐 责任编辑:王颖

更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 四六级最新资讯



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