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2018-10-01 07:44:46

She kept her pregnancy under wraps until she was already six months gone and she's kept an extremely low-profile since she announced the news.But in the last few days ahead of the birth of her first child, Adele has been pictured displaying her huge baby bump with pride.The 24-year-old singer was spotted out in Hove, West Sussex, with her partner Simon Konecki, 36, and dog Louie in tow。

Despite the fact her jumper was rather large, there was no denying the size of her bump beneath.She completed her maternity look with a pair of comfy black Converse and a large fur hat.Her hair, which she wore loose beneath the hat, looked healthy and golden in colour and the mum-to-be appeared to be completely make-up free.Following a few steps behind came Simon, who cradled their pet dachshund in his arms as if it were a baby. Her bearded beau, dressed in a pair of pale corduroy trousers, a white v-neck t-shirt and a black hoodie。

The expectant parents had reportedly enjoyed a busy morning together, visiting their newly refurbished seafront home, seeing friends and tucking into lunch, where Adele no doubt ate for two. Adele announced her pregnancy on her website in June, saying: 'I’m delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together.'I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we’re over the moon. Yours always, Adele.'

The singer has taken a break from the limelight during her pregnancy, however she has taken time to record the theme song for the latest Bond film, Skyfall.According to reports the track is called Let The Sky Fall and One Republic star Ryan Tedder claims he has heard the track and said it was the best Bond song he'd ever heard.In a tweet, which was later deleted, he wrote: 'I've heard it. Best Bond song in my lifetime. Hands down - hats off once again to Paul Epworth and Adele. Hope they win Oscar.'





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