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2018-10-01 07:50:37

Well, isn't this enchanting news?

Taylor Swift doesn't need to date a Kennedy -- she has enough wealth and status herself, based off Forbes' annual Highest-Paid Celebrities Under 30 list, released Friday.

The magazine estimates that the 22-year-old singer has earned $57 million between May 2011 and May 2012, a figure that gives her the No. 1 spot on the chart. In addition to her multi-platinum album sales and her sold-out concerts, the "Both of Us" singer has a beauty deal with CoverGirl and launched her debut into the celebrity fragrance market with Wonderstruck. (The follow-up scent, Wonderstruck Enchanted, is set to release September 2012.)

Coming as no surprise in the No. 2 spot is 18-year-old Justin Bieber, who has made an estimated $55 million, followed by Rihanna, 24, who has pulled in a whopping $53 million. Lady Gaga, 26, with $52 million and Katy Perry, 27, with $45 million round out the list's top five.

Swift hasn't been squandering her giant pay days at night clubs ordering bottle service, but rather, kicking back with her closest pals. Over the 4th of July holiday, the singer hung out at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts with Patrick Schwarzenegger, 18, whose mom is Maria (Kennedy) Shriver, and Glee pal Dianna Agron.

"Taylor was taking photos of everyone with a huge camera and Dianna took one of Taylor with Patrick together," the onlooker told Us Weekly. "He kept kicking sand at her and was flirty with her."


22岁的泰勒-斯威夫特以5700万美元的收入名列榜首,18岁的加拿大万人迷歌手贾斯汀-比伯以5500万美元的收入屈居第二,24岁的蕾哈娜以 5300万美元的收入荣居第三, 26岁的“百变天后”Lady Gaga去年荣居榜首,但今年仅有5200万美元入账,排名降至第四。美国歌手凯蒂-佩里和英国歌手阿黛尔分别以4500万美元与3500万美元分列第五名和第六名。因主演电影《暮光之城》而声名鹊起的女演员克里斯汀-斯图尔特和男演员泰勒-洛特纳,罗伯特-帕丁森也均挤入前十。

Forbes Magazine's list of the highest earning celebrities under the age of 30

1. Taylor Swift, aged 22 - $57 million

2. Justin Bieber, aged 18 - $55 million

3. Rihanna, aged 24 - $53 million

4. Lady Gaga, aged 26 - $52 million

5. Katy Perry, aged 27 - $45 million

6. Adele, aged 24 - $35 million

7. Kristen Stewart, aged 22 - $34.5 million

8. Lil Wayne, aged 29 - $27 million

9. Taylor Lautner, aged 20 - $26.5 million

10. Robert Pattinson, aged 26 - $26.5 million



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